Sunday, November 7, 2010

Hair Loss Treatment Kottakal


How good is you!

The release of Mr. Reverberi, CEO Marinella Spa, appeared in the nineteenth century of 27 us is not only reinforce the view of our Board of Bocca di Magra, which holds them criminally liable along with the administrators Ameglia, Sarzana, Park, the Province, the Region etc.. delay and hesitation that the initiative to promote economic / private speculators have lost time and since 2004, the date of 'Project Marinella agreement which provided for the safety of the final stretch of the river Magra with the banks made with the excavated material the two docks, and of course to deduction of infrastructure costs , Nothing has been done.
That's the last (hopefully) succeeded to the command of the operations manager quit now uncovered to exploit the fears and despair of the citizens of the valley of Magra trying to play the role of savior instead of those in the supervisor responsible for the misfortunes of past, present and future.E 'true that there is degradation in Marinella as Holy Cross, there is a Pantala as in other areas, but all happen to be owned by his holding that sue.Pensi to clean up first home that we think about our own.

For the Citizens' Committee of Bocca di Magra
Dr. Gian Piero Fish

Bocca di Magra 27/01/2010


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