Sunday, November 7, 2010

Women Showing Deep Breast Cleavage

Winds of War? First steps

Open Letter to all Directors and Marinella Spa

Open this with our thanks to the Directors and the "infinite" availability of Marinella Spa, for those occasions for which lay the foundation for a future of greater transparency and participation.
However, because this new approach to problem solving is really done, to be honest, fair and devoid of ulterior motives masked.
I mean, if these meetings for the presentation of draft guidelines are intended as a step to speed up, to jump steps required, and replace public survey provided by the Community rules on the environment, also considers it an obligation on all of the SEA project unit.
So NO! If this
As seems to be, given the upcoming Municipal Councils set, serve as an introduction to a hasty and inappropriate as illegal adoption of the draft, then NO!

For this reason we, the Citizens Committee of Bocca di Magra, we have ready recourse to administrative justice. We can do is add in the empty spaces numbers and dates of the decisions of municipal councils. If you
, municipalities, and Marinella spa, so you want this project and considered its implementation in a peremptory way and unilaterally, without listening to the voice of the people who live and work in the territory, know that not everyone is willing to sell without using the tools to enforce the current law allows us to use.

For The Citizens' Committee of Bocca di Magra
T spokesman Gian Piero Fish.



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