Friday, March 11, 2011

Diagnosed With Lacunar Infarct

Montino (Pd) hits hard on ambulances for hire in the capital. Forget that he wanted him

The head of the opposition in the region, Esterino Montino, never misses a chance to attack the Government's health policy. One of the favorite targets is the chaos of the emergency, the stretchers in the corridors, the collapse of the ER, the ambulance and now rent. Forgetting that on this specific field, when ruled alongside Marrazzo, had made bold promises after the fiasco at the "stretcher day." Now hitting hard recklessly, without proposing viable solutions. It collects piqued replicas such as the controversy over the cost of rented ambulances. "Ambulances 'for hire' are enabled by the Operations Centre of Rome, according to the needs determined by the blocking of ambulances in front of the 118 ARES emergency hospital - the replication direction dell'Ares 118 -. Or, to avoid a dangerous decrease in the number of emergency vehicles in the area, additional resources are enabled to guarantee prompt operation. Moreover, the call of non-profit organization and / or private support for the territorial system of emergency health 118 - continues the statement - is in pursuance of the order of the President of Lazio Region n.20011 of November 4, 2009, as implemented by the Regional Council Resolution n . 3690 November 6, 2009 (ie when the president of the region was just Esterino Montino).
Legal recourse to additional resources, however, has since been reaffirmed by this company with a resolution of 27 n.72 May 2010, signed by the Special Commissioner, Dr. Ernest Petti, chosen by President Montino to replace the outgoing Director General. So ... 's incorrigible Esterino has lost yet another opportunity to make a good impression.


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